Pastor Jonathan Shuttlesworth will be ministering at Church in the City September 11th-16th. Services are at 7:00 PM and open to all ages.
Pastor Jonathan Shuttlesworth will be ministering at Church in the City September 11th-16th. Services are at 7:00 PM and open to all ages.
Scarlet night is open to ladies of all ages! We will be gathering on October 20th to hear a timely word from our founding Pastor, Pastor Vicki Hankins. Make plans to attend and bring a friend!
New to Church in the City? Become a member through our Covenant Member Classes. We will share the Vision of the house, our beliefs, and more information about who we are as a church. Class starts at 9 AM in the small auditorium. Bring your Bible and a pen and we'll see you there! You can sign up in the lobby with our sign up sheets or online in our Grow tab.